
DUI Administrative Hearing Request (PDF)
After being arrested for DUI, you can use this link of obtain the form to request an administrative hearing. Form must be mailed with $375 within 20 days from the date of the arrest

Washington State Department of Licensing
Renew your drivers license, change the address on your license, or find out how to get a license.

Washington State DOL Hearing Information
What you can expect from the Department of Licensing after your DUI arrest

Check the status of your Washington State Drivers License
This link can be used to check the status of your license, the status of any special license endorsements, or the status of any exception license you have applied for.

Application for ORL (Occupational/Restricted Drivers License) and IIL (Ignition Interlock License)
A link for the Occupational and Ignition Interlock license from the Department of Licensing. Consult your attorney before applying.